all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 9AA 16 1 52.232979 0.831511
IP30 9AB 31 1 52.234123 0.829547
IP30 9AD 28 1 52.235133 0.830183
IP30 9AF 21 0 52.235133 0.832468
IP30 9AE 28 0 52.236338 0.828341
IP30 9AG 22 2 52.233119 0.837671
IP30 9AH 3 0 52.223728 0.848245
IP30 9AJ 2 0 52.233914 0.833416
IP30 9AQ 14 0 52.231722 0.83707
IP30 9AL 31 0 52.228873 0.830634
IP30 9AN 40 0 52.228054 0.826145
IP30 9AR 4 0 52.230737 0.831632
IP30 9AS 5 0 52.221733 0.833225
IP30 9AT 15 0 52.221923 0.832799
IP30 9AU 4 0 52.2222 0.834412
IP30 9AW 18 0 52.234607 0.827747
IP30 9AX 13 1 52.220789 0.833238
IP30 9AY 7 0 52.219582 0.833703
IP30 9AZ 15 0 52.218697 0.83271
IP30 9BA 8 0 52.217088 0.833076